Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oops, it's been awhile...

I caught the blogging bug and then quickly lost it. But I'm back! Graduate school starts in a week and a half with orientation next Friday. I'm excited but a little nervous for everything on my plate. I have 17 credits, 20 hours/week of TAing, research, and clients. Which brings me to an exciting point-- I got a TA position with my department!

When we last met I had mentioned that I was deciding between programs. Well, it was a very stressful month. You would think that getting accepted into multiple schools would be amazing but it actually was horrible. I'm an indecisive person so I kept flip-flopping between schools. I lived through a month of number crunching, visiting programs, and sleepless nights. And then.... dun, dun, dun... a huge envelope arrived in the mail and I opened it to a TA position offer from the school where I did my leveling courses. The offer included a full tuition waiver plus $1100/month stipend. That made my decision super easy and I decided to stay put. I have no regrets about my decision- it was such a relief to be able to turn down my financial aid offer (which, for graduates, means they just offer loans and more loans).

Since making my decision I have just been busy working full-time over the summer and taking an online statistics class. I'm hoping that I'll keep up the blogging so that I can document the next two years of my life.