Friday, September 14, 2012

Favorite Things/Dice Activity

Materials Needed:

  • Dice (technically only one)
  • Favorite activities worksheet

So since I have never met my client before, the first session is going to consist of a lot of getting to know you activities. Since I want to make therapy as fun as possible, I need to know my kid's favorite things. I decided it would be fun to "play" a game to find out.

For the past week I've been obsessing over using dice, but not just little dice, I want to use big, fluffy dice. I got all caught up in the idea that I forgot that, low and behold, I don't own any dice... at all. I hopped on and quickly ordered some fluffy car dice so that they can be delivered by Monday (thank you Amazon Prime).
My fluffy dice
Since I only really need one dice (am I the only one who hates using the word di for a singular dice?) I told Holly that she can have the other. Works out great!

Back to the activity: I just spent another night doing nothing... aka making a worksheet that probably should've taken 5 minutes. It took me an hour. I know, I'm helpless. Here is the worksheet:

Don't judge the 6: long story short, I had to draw the dots by hand and I'm an unfortunate artist and too lazy/poor to make another
So the rules of the activity are pretty simple:

  • Child rolls di
  • Child finds the category that aligns with his/her roll (e.g. a roll of a 1 means answer about favorite color)
  • Child says "My favorite color is _____"
  • Rolls again
I made up extra "rounds" in case the number is rolled more than once. Also, it is nice to have a variety of favorite things in case the child can't think of a favorite in a certain category. I'm thinking that we'll play this on the floor to have a nice change of scenery. 

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