Thursday, September 27, 2012

Story Structure Match-Up

I need to keep assessing his story structure knowledge and since he consistently forget the problem and result of a story, I figured I would give him some scaffolding as I assessed. We're going to read "Just A Mess" by Mercer Meyer.

He will make predictions about the book and then read it out loud. Instead of doing follow-up comprehension questions, I'll have him match up pieces of the story with the different story structure parts.

Don't mind the fact that the problem is in different font, technical error 
For the specific story cards, I used one real name and a few fake, along with one real setting and a few fake. I also pulled sentences through the story for him to identify as the problem and result.

Just an example of the character cards
I'll cut the cards out so that he can lay them across the table and work on solving which card goes under each story part. He is really good at identifying character and setting so those should be an easy way to start this activity.

Things I'll Assess:
  • Making predictions about a book
  • Reading fluency
  • Story structure knowledge when presented with examples 

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