Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Johnny Appleseed" Reading Fluency Assessment

Reading Fluency/Speed Assessment
I think that my education friends from Whitworth (and my mom) would agree that I have a lot of children's books. I can't help it. I go to a bookstore and just want to get every single one. Plus, my mom saved all my childhood books so that I could use them in my future classroom (too bad the teaching thing didn't pan out Mom). But, I tell you all this because when the idea of Johnny Appleseed popped into my head I clapped my hands and made seal noises. I have the perfect book!

By Jodie Shepherd
I bought "Johnny Appleseed" the semester that I student taught at the school's book fair.

Tangential topic: when I was little the school book fair was the HIGHLIGHT of my life. My mom would take my sister and I and we were allowed to choose a book or two. Seriously, could I have been a nerdier child? Further examples, I also was a diligent follower of a hamster forum and raced imaginary horses online. 

ANYWAY, this book is perfect for my kiddo. Right reading level and a quick & easy overview of Mr. Appleseed. Plus, it works out perfectly because since our session is the night before Johnny Appleseed Day, he can form a schema so that he will be ahead for Wednesday. 

Here is how I am using it: I need to get a timed reading from him. He is pretty alert so I think he would know if I was timing him (which I do not want him to know). Therefore, I will just audio record it and be able to see how long it took him by listening to it after the session.

Things I'll Assess:
1. Speed
2. Continuous voicing
3. Accuracy of using a guess & go strategy
4. Ability to focus for a whole book
5. Comprehension at the end

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